Lifebook Workshops & Training
Interactive, fun workshops and in-service training for foster parents, social workers and foster children
For foster care and adoption workers, therapists, foster parents and CASA Volunteers
Sometimes children have a hard time talking about their past trauma. They need to address it through stories and drawings with the guidance of a caring helper. The All About Me Lifebook is a door-opener for eliciting and recording information from the child’s point of view, which may allow the worker to help them address misconceptions, and move forward as they put-the-pieces of a disjointed story into place and perspective. Caring adults will learn techniques to use the tool of a lifebook to help children heal, as well as basic information about how children process trauma at different developmental stages, journaling and story-telling, and more.

For foster children and their caring adult (worker, foster parents or CASA)
It is fun to work on Lifebooks together, with a table full of fancy scissors, stickers, colorful markers and more. Being together with others who had the same experience, who have birth-mothers and foster parents and workers and so on, provides a sense of not being all alone. This workshop is not about the past, it is about making a Lifebook, an illustrated biography that includes likes and dislikes, holiday memories, future plans, dreams for the future and more expressed through photographs, collage and drawings. Supplies are provided and FUN is the emphasis!
“I didn’t expect to have this much fun! ...I didn’t know I could be creative, your book makes it easy, I’m proud of myself!” - Foster Parent
Please call 985-789-0268 for information about scheduling these workshops for your state or national conference. Discounts are available with bulk purchases of Lifebook Kits.